Andhra Cricket association Website is currently under maintenance and updates. Certain information may not reflect accurately during this period.

Submitted MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION AND RULES AND REGULATIONS of ACA to the District registrar, Guntur View PDF

Spelling mistakes and typo graphical errors and grammatical mistakes are identified and corrected. Corrected Copy of Constitution of ACA here with attached. (Attachment)

Orders of the Hon’ble Ombudsman on East Godavari Cricket Association and Guntur District Cricket Association and its implication are here with attached.

  1. It is to inform that as per the orders of the Hon’ble Ombudsman of ACA Dt: 5-12-2021 by considering East Godavari District Cricket Association as a full member unit of Andhra Cricket Association in place of Boys & Girls Cricket Association of East Godavari District. (Attachment order copies of the Hon. Ombudsman)
    In obedience of the Hon. Ombudsmen the Andhra Cricket Association recognised East Godavari District Cricket Association as a full member unit of ACA, and East Godavari District Cricket Association is looking after the cricketing activity in the district right from the date of recognition with voting right.
  2. It is to inform that as per the orders of the Hon Ombudsmen of ACA Dt: 5-12-2021 by considering Guntur District Cricket Association as a full member unit of Andhra Cricket Association in place of Men & Women Cricket Association of Guntur District. (Attachment order copies of the Hon. Ombudsman)
    In obedience of the Hon. Ombudsmen the Andhra Cricket Association recognised Guntur District Cricket Association as a full member unit of ACA, and Guntur District Cricket Association is looking after the cricketing activity in the district right from the date of recognition with voting right.

Decisions of Apex Council of ACA on

  1. Kurnool District Cricket Association, Kurnool

    The Apex Council of ACA in its meeting Dt: 13-11-2020 recognised Kurnool District Cricket Association, Kurnool as full member unit of ACA by closing ACA adhoc committee. (Attachment copy -Minutes of ACA Apex Council Meeting)
  2. Kadapa District Cricket Association,kadapa

    The Apex Council of ACA in its meeting Dt: 26-06-2021 modified the name of Kadapa District Cricket Association on their request as Cricket Association of YSR District Kadapa. (Attachment copy -Minutes of ACA Apex Council Meeting)
  3. Kurnool Blues Cricket Club, Kurnool

  4. Guntur United Cricket Club, Guntur

    The Apex Council of ACA in its meeting Dt: 23-02-2022 re- affiliated & recognised Kurnool Blues Cricket Club, Kurnool and Guntur United Cricket Club, Guntur as full member units of ACA with voting right. (Attachment copy -Minutes of ACA Apex Council Meeting)
  5. Prakasam District Cricket Association, Prakasam

    The Emergency Apex Council of ACA in its meeting Dt: 17-07-2022 recognised Prakasam District Cricket Association, Prakasam as a full member unit of ACA by closing the present adhoc committee on Prakasam district. (Attachment copy -Minutes of ACA Emergency Apex Council Meeting)